RADON SHORT ARTICLES: “HOW TO KNOW IF A RADON MITIGATION SYSTEM IS WORKING PROPERLY?” There are several methods to lower Radon levels in a building. The recommendation is always to prevent Radon from entering the house. In some cases, there is no choice rather than reduce Radon after it has […]
3 posts
Reza Hosseini, PhD – Managing Director at RadonMarket, R&D Manager & NRPP MFM Certified Radon Professional at Niton srl There are three main forces that cause Radon laden soil gas to enter buildings. We learned from the previous articles that these forces are: ✅ Stack effect or chimney effects, ✅ […]
Reza Hosseini, PhD – Managing Director at RadonMarket, R&D Manager & NRPP MFM Certified Radon Professional at Niton srl Until now, we have always talked about continuous Radon monitors or so-called CRM (Continuous Radon Monitor). In this number of RadonMarket Mag we would like to start a new series of […]